Age: 27 (d.o.b: 1st April 1990)
Height: 6ft 4”
Eyes: dark blue
Hair: dark brown with white flash (front right)
Birthmarks/scars: two inch scar on right side of skull covered by white flash of hair.
Mother, Jane (48) deceased. Known drug addict. Multiple convictions for possession/dealing/prostitution/assault.
Father (unknown)
Fangfang Yu (14, geek/genius)
Granny Po, Fangfang’s granny
Stella, bar-owner/broad
‘Red’, waitress/art student
Lord Lucien Tarn (a former Justice of the UK’s Supreme Court and his mentor)
Padraig ‘Plug’ Donne, a mate from his teenage years
‘Bald Paulie’ Holliday, a neuroscientist and expert in machine learning
Lilith, an assassin
Mia Barton, an old friend from his days in a children’s home
Four Years manslaughter, Feltmire Young Offender Institute (2003-2006).
Paratroop Regiment, 2nd Battalion (2006-2012). Special admission to regiment (details sealed.) Tours include: West Germany. Afghanistan (two tours). Iraq.
Invalided out of army, 23rd December 2012.
Chalfont Securities (2013-2017)
From Killing State:
He had a code. He didn’t kill women. This time, worse yet, the Board wanted it to look like a “random/sexual attack”. And that left a bad taste, because there were things you didn’t do, even for King and Country. Remorse and shame weren’t feelings he ever experienced. Not as a child and not as a soldier. Not now. Never. But he feared Honor Jones was a game changer. Honor Jones would haunt him…
More than that. The touch of his scar under his fingertips. He couldn’t trust himself. What he believed he knew. Did his mind fill with other people’s thoughts and voices, or his own complex delusions? Freak or lunatic? He had no idea which he was. But he knew this. He’d done too much, killed too many, and he wanted it over. He wanted his freedom. It came to him suddenly, a neural snap, an instant of electricity re-routing his soul – like falling in love.